Friday 9 April 2010

Troops Out of Afghanistan Now!

The Stop the War Coalition is surveying PPCs' attitudes to the war in Afghanistan. The campaigning organisation has set up a tool  on its website where you can e-mail the candidates in your constituency requesting their views on the war.

The Anticapitalists are for Troops Out Now.

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are not about restoring democracy – the corruption of the Karzai regime in Kabul shows that – but about controlling oil rich areas. The results are the deaths of thousands of people – such as the recent footage that revealed US aircraft attacking Iraqis known to be civilians – war crimes and torture. Whole countries are occupied by thousand of US/UK troops as their wealth and industry are sold off to western companies.

And the people who lied to us about the war are earning huge amounts from it. For example, Tony Blair is being paid an undisclosed sum by a South Korean oil company with extensive interests in Iraq and a million pounds by the Royal family of Kuwait (which neighbours Iraq).

Fight poverty not wars

Our enemies are the capitalist leaders who lead countries into war and whip up racism and profit from misery; our allies are the workers and peasants around the globe who are fighting against oppression and resisting occupation.

In our Manifesto (Fight Poverty not War section) we state:

  • Get the troops out now! Immediate withdrawal of British forces from Afghanistan and Iraq
  • End the British government’s support for Israel and its oppression of the Palestinians
  • Solidarity with people resisting occupation of their country
  • Soldiers should have the right to disobey immoral orders
  • Stop the torture – open up the secret archives to expose it to all
  • Our real enemies are at home – the bankers and the rich
  • Not a penny, not a person for the defence of this system of poverty and war
  • Cancel Third World debt – aid without strings, not war without end.


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