Friday 16 April 2010

Investment Bank Goldman Sachs charged with fraud

Goldman Sachs has been charged with fraud. The Times reports that

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) accused the Wall Street bank of creating a loss-making financial instrument called a collateralised debt obligation (CDO).
Goldman Sachs is an internationally renowned investment bank that has made billions from the financial crisis while workers around the world have been made unemployed and their public services cut.

The bank has been accused over the way it packaged sub-prime mortgages and sold them on.

Goldman Sachs has also been contracted by the Irish government to oversee its bond issues while the people of the country have been subjected to an austerity package that has seen benefits and public sector wages slashed.

Goldman Sachs is one of the banks that the three main parties in the UK handed our millions to and who are demanding even more cuts to our services.

That is why I am standing for the millions and not the millionaires. We  gave a trillion of pounds to Goldman Sachs and other banks, let's take the money back from these financial robbers and ensure we have a future.

And that is why the bankers paper the Financial Times said about me standing:
"Drinkall has supported several protests over the years, from the miners’ strike to the anti-poll tax movement, becoming convinced the state was 'not neutral but defended the rich and powerful'.
It would appear there is yet another threat on the horizon for the City and its financial folk."


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