Thursday 22 April 2010

Meet The Candidate

The Anticapitalists are holding the first of our "Meet the Candidate" surgeries tonight:

6:30 – 8:00pm
Montgomery Hall
Kennington Oval

If you are unsure of where Montgomery Hall is, turn left from the Oval tube exit, swtay on the same side of the road, start to go round the Oval and you will find it immediately after the Oval Theatre and the "White House".

Please come along and bring your friends and neighbours.

There will be plenty of Anticapitalist supporters on hand, including myself, to answer questions or just to chew over the issues.

Most importantly, we will be discussing what we can do after the election. Because – win or lose – the next Government is going to attack working class people and, unless we are ready to resist, our communities are going to be torn apart. The election is just the beginning of that campaign of resistance!

I hope to see as many of you as can make it there, so please come along even if you can only stay for a few minutes on your way home. Light refreshments will be available.


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