Monday 12 April 2010

Anticapitalists Launch Election Manifesto

Here's the press release for our manifesto launch tomorrow…

'For The Millions, Not The Millionaires'
  •  Labour, Tories and Lib Dems promise cuts to services, jobs and benefits
  • Anticapitalists say: take over the banks, take back our money and tax the rich
  • Use it to create three million new jobs, a million new council houses, a massive repair and improve programme for council flats and a £9 an hour minimum wage.
  • We need a new anticapitalist party to get rid of the chaos of financial capitalism and create a democratically planned economy
The Anticapitalists are launching its manifesto, For The Millions, Not The Millionaires, tomorrow morning, Tuesday 13 April, at College Green outside Parliament. The Anticapitalists are standing one candidate, Jeremy Drinkall, in Vauxhall, South London.
Jeremy will be outside Parliament with some of his supporters at 10.00 tomorrow morning. He will say:
“Vauxhall constituency is less than 100 yards from Parliament, yet it might as well be a world away. Over half the children in Vauxhall officially live in poverty. MPs have  second homes, but over a third of all houses in Vauxhall are not fit to live in.
Labour has betrayed the working people of Vauxhall and Britain. After 13 years, they can only offer more privatisation for our school and hospitals and cheap labour schemes for our youth, while banks and big business get bailouts and tax breaks.
Let’s take over the banks, withdraw troops from Afghanistan and tax the rich. We should spend the money instead on three million new jobs, a million new council houses, grants instead of loans for students and a £9 an hour minimum wage.”
The Anticapitalists are standing Jeremy to offer electors a chance to vote against the rotten status quo and to support workers, like BA cabin crew and Network Rail signallers, fighting against the cuts. We hope that all the Trade Unionist and Socialist candidates do well in the election and that this leads to the formation of a new working class party that can challenge Labour for the loyality of working class people.


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