Friday 28 May 2010

The coming cuts in Lambeth

During the election campaign Workers Power warned about the coming cuts.

Now we have seen nationally what the Con-Dem coalition is considering with its £6 billion programme of cuts announced and more on the way with the emergency budget on 22 June and a spending review in the Autumn.

Already in Lambeth cuts are going ahead. Lambeth College are cutting about 50 posts, there has already been a day of strike action on 5 May.

The council are now planning cutting about 400 posts. It has embarked on a 90-day consultation with the unions and staff.

At the same time the council are also planning going ahead with their John Lewis style council. This is on the surface an attractive option and has been given serious thought by some.

We are all in favour of workers control but staff put into co-operatives will be forced to compete over ever-dwindling resources when the real fight should be to unite and defeat the government's cuts programme.

Now is the time to set up an anti-cuts committee in Lambeth.


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